Why I founded Bayis Sheli?
Simple - I've been there

L Stern - One of the Bayis Sheli founders

I’ve been there. I’ve been there. I’ve experienced the hardship of trying to care for my daughter with intense medical and physical needs. I’ve faced the pain of making the most heart wrenching decision to agree to allow someone else to care for her. And I’ve stared at  the bleak reality; there was no home close to my home that could adequately care for my special daughter, Yitty. 

We had no choice but to send her to Israel where we found a home, which was the perfect setting for her. A home with offered sufficient care and met my cultural and faith requirements. 

Unfortunately, I returned home empty handed. 

But fortunately, I returned with a burning ambition. Armed with the strongest motivation-a mother’s enduring love and pain, I set out to build Bayis Sheli together with T Gluck and S Bernstien. My mission was to set up a home in London where Jewish special needs children, like my daughter, could live, thrive and be loved. 

It has taken herculean effort to turn Bayis Sheli from a dream to reality. 

Bayis Sheli is my fairy castle. It is a revolutionary concept of quality and luxurious care for disabled children throughout the UK. This magical place allows children and parents to look at their future with optimism and contentment. We believe that children with challenging needs and disabilities deserve to be pampered and cared for.

Yitty passed away following her 14th birthday-before the completion of Bayis Sheli. This only strengthened my determination. I am keeping Yitty’s memory alive by dedicating my life to the fairy castle that was meant to be hers.
Read our mission statement
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